Friday, October 19, 2007

Embrace the Change Gospel Tour?

Our country is in deed, very in need of prayer. I again encourage everyone to educate themselves about the issues at hand. The very elect will be decieved.

If you were evil and you didn't want the truth to be told. You would want to try to make sure there is no absolute truth, you would create deceptive paths away from the truth. And try your best to imitate the truth.

Christianity is the only example of God reaching down personally to man. All the others are man reaching up to God.

Non-Discrimination Act

October 19, 2007
Please take time NOW to contact the House Education and Labor Committee
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October 17, 2007 - WednesdayForward to a Friend!
This week the House Education and Labor Committee will consider the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). If this legislation passes, it will mainstream homosexuality and provide homosexual activist a legal tool for punishing employees who do not approve of their lifestyle.ENDA will force businesses to provide special employment rights to those who define themselves based on sexual behaviors. Such efforts are a misguided infringement upon our constitutional rights. This legislation will be used by homosexual activists as a means to punish business owners who have moral and religious standards Employers' liberty to use their own good judgment regarding hiring practices will be a thing of the past. Hearings have been postponed several times in order to placate homosexual, and transgender lobbies. The new bill number is H.R. 3685; the legislation still fails to protect religious organizations or business owners.