Now that I think about that, who exactly says that a person has to be left or right brained? Perhaps that's just an excuse for someone elses lack of ability, and they want to inflict that thought on everyone else, so they have less to live up to.
Not to say that Da Vinci was typical, cause, obviously not, but, I think when you study people who were extraordinarily talented above all the rest, you should put aside some of the stereotypical "crap" and think outside the box. ;) which is unfortunately where I prefer to spend most of my time. Outside of the stupid box. I think I'm not ever finding my way back to that damn box again.
Anyway, a person like Da Vinci was so out of the norm, i wonder if he was always somewhat unhappy? Most people don't think about that, but you have to wonder, who did he have that he could talk to or where did he go to just chill and find some peace? I imagine that his mind was turning gears non-stop. Enough so, to give him ample opportunity to learn so many different skills. Yes some had to do with the education he was afforded, and the early work as a studio boy, but still, to see some of his sketches that have almost more clarity than my digital camera, that's a very developed skill.
It makes me also wonder if he had to reach a certain level of perfection for himself, just so he could find some sort of peace with whatever it was that he was working on. That sounds strange, but, I can sort of relate to that concept. I have to reach a certain "level" before my mind will be content to let me rest a little on that topic. I think Thomas Edison had a similar issue, if I remember that correctly. Not that i am anywhere near their brilliance, I just usually have a lot of little "projects" running through my mind.
MMMM . . . . . it's something to give some thoughts to.