The one in the bottom right corner is badly deformed. It's not gonna make it, but she still keeps taking good care of it. It's so sad to watch her with it knowing it's gonna die.
I had to hand feed her as a newborn, and now she treats her kittens the way I treated her. She tries to hold them with her paws, and she puts them under her chin and cuddles with them. And when she lays down, she lines them up next to her and puts her arm around them to keep them close. I used to do that to them, cause they slept in my bed with me, and i didn't want them to fall off the edge. Animals are so strange, you wouldn't believe what a momma cat has to do to her kittens. If I had to be that meticulous with my kids, I wouldn't have had more than one, maybe two. I had to keep them at 100 degrees, bottle feed them every three hours, all through the night. I eventually put them in a bag and carried them with me everywhere. I even took them to Kings Island. Of course I left them in the car, but I would walk out and feed them every three hours.
So many people thought I was crazy, and I guess I am, but they were born during a windstorm in the attic of our house, they then fell down between the walls of my bedroom and bathroom, and the other one the kitchen and the bathroom wall. I happened to be pregnant with twins at the time, and I kept hearing this little crying sound, there was no way I could leave them in there to die, so I knocked holes into the walls, nine holes to be exact. But, hey, we saved them.
It was kinda funny, cause we had just started watching the wonderpets, so as we were trying to rescue them, the kids and i were singing the theme song to the wonderpets. (yeah, we're a little crazy) I took them to two different vets, and they said that they wouldn't make it, and they recommended that I put them to sleep. So I was willing to take care of them until they died.
They are both healthy grown cats now! Max and Molly. Max thinks he is my child. he jumps from the floor into my arms and kisses me all over my neck and ears. He actually puts his paws around my neck. He's so confused. I have to admit that they have me totally spoiled. ;)
I actually had to teach them how to groom themselves. I did almost everything short of licking them. No, I did not lick them. I would wipe them down with a wet wash cloth after every time i fed them. Imagine that at 3AM. I finally just dumped them into a tub of warm water, it was so much easier.
It did prepare me for my twins though. I got boy and girl kittens, a boy and a girl twin babies. Only me!!