Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Critical Thinking Skills Links

Thomson Learning

It's good to hear why others homeschool as well

Bruggie Tales: Why we homeschool

Mummies @ The Field Museum

We were very impressed and a little weirded with the

out with the whole mummy exhibit.

This Summer's Field Trips

We had a great time investigating The Field Museum. They had an amazing amount of information. Almost too much to take in on one field trip.


Are You Building Up or Pulling Down?
Written by Nancy Campbell

“Every wise woman builds her home, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.”
(Proverbs 14:1)

Are you building up your marriage and home,

or destroying them with your words and actions?

What kind of a home are you building?

An angry home or an anointed home?

A boring home or a bountiful home?

A cynical home or a celebrating home?

A depressing home or a delightful home?

An empty home or an encouraging home?

A fretful home or a flourishing home?

A grumbling home or a gladsome home?

A harassed home or a happy home?

An impoverished home or an interesting home?

A jaded home or a jubilant home?

A kill-joy home or a kind-hearted home?

A legalistic home or a loving home?

A mournful home or a merry home?

A negative home or a nurturing home?

An oppressive home or an overcoming home?

A prayer-less home or a prayer-filled home?

A quarrelling home or a queenly home?

A rebellious home or a restful home?

A sour home or a sweet home?

A troublesome home or a tender home?

An unstable home or a united home?

A vexed home or virtuous home?

A worrisome home or a wonderful home?

An exhausting home or an exhilarating home?

Is your home yielded to the Sovereign Lord?

Are you zealously guarding your home?

Nancy Campbell