Friday, October 12, 2007

Thank God Someone is Willing to Take a Stand . . .

I believe as I said in a previous post, that the lazy Christian community was waiting to be lead like little sheep, and of course they were waiting on well respected James Dobson, to do their work for them.

I hope they are happy! I am thrilled with the interview of James Dobson

He continues to have my utmost respect. Look how fast the Republican Party was willing to throw away several major core values because they were afraid. Wow, I am so ashamed to have such weak links in our party. What does that say about the true values of the Republican Party? Where's their faith in God.? And they were actually mad at James Dobson because he wasn't willing to compromise his beliefs under no circumstances. The Word of God is not negotiable.

I Thank God for true Believers. Like I said before, I supported Mike Huckabee well before I heard any poll results. I found the candidate who best aligned themselves with the Word of God and I was then exercising my Faith in God, praying that if this is what God wanted NOTHING could stop it, not even Hillary Clinton!

Almost every Christian that I talked to was so worried about beating Hillary that they were willing to compromise, just so a Republican could win. In that instance everyone looses. Compromise is not an option when it comes to the Word of God. I feel that it is perhaps the root of the whole issue. Look at the values they would have been compromising: unborn babies, and gay marriage. Two huge issues that supposedly help define our party! What are these people thinking. Well, that's exactly it, they were thinking and not praying. "Everyone did what was right in their own minds." We can only rely on God's Word. It never changes, compromises or collapses under pressure. God forgive us for when we do.

Let's all take a deep breath and realize that we have God on our side. He is a very powerful campaign manager!
We need to work together and place our support behind a candidate who is the closest one aligned with our strongly held Biblical beliefs. Because, God is in control, so win or loose this election, if we do our best and rely on Him for our every decision, He will not let us down. Things may not go they way we think they should, but if we do our part He will certainly do his.

It's Huckabee or Hillary

A wonderful article that has me breathing a small sigh of relief. At least there is one other person out there who feels this is an all or nothing election.