Monday, October 8, 2007

The heat is on . . .

Politics in my area are beginning to heat up. I encourage everyone to read up on the relevant issues and potential candidates. The upcomming elections are very very important. Just remember people died to secure our right to vote. We live in a free country for a reason. Freedom is not free. Voting in America is not only a privelage, it is a responsibility! Please excercise your right to vote.

Some people do go out and vote, but, I am amazed at the amount of uneducated voters we have going to the polls. There are people who simply vote for a name they think sounds familiar to them, and they don't really know what that person stands for at all. Half the time they don't even know what the responsibilities that peticular office is responsible for doing.

It is sad. We promote "democracy" in other countries, yet do we really practice what we preach?

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